Getting your Texas insurance license is no simple feat. There are certain steps you need to take. Find out how you can ace each one in this guide
Getting a Texas insurance license is often the first step if you want to pursue a career as an insurance professional in the Lone Star State. Just like in other states, the process isn’t always straightforward and requires you to meet stringent criteria.
To guide you through your journey, Insurance Business gives you a walkthrough on how to get an insurance license in Texas. We’ll go over the different roles that require one, the licensing requirements, and what it takes to retain your license.
If you want to practice as an insurance producer or adjuster in Texas, this guide can prove handy. Read on and find out the steps you need to take to obtain your Texas insurance license.
Step-by-step guide on getting your Texas insurance license
All insurance producers and claims adjusters who wish to practice in Texas are required to get the corresponding licenses. Before you can do so, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has laid down the following eligibility criteria:
- you must be at least 18 years old
- you must be a resident of Texas
- you must pass the state licensure exam for the insurance lines you plan on specializing in
- you must not have committed any offense that could be grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of your license
Here’s a step