Insurance CEO salary ranges from the millions to tens of millions of dollars. But how do insurance companies set the figures? Learn more below

The CEOs of the nation’s largest insurance companies rake in millions of dollars each year as part of their jobs of leading their firms to profitability. But how much do these executives make exactly?

Insurance Business crunches the numbers from the previous financial years to give you an idea of how much the top insurance CEOs earn in salaries and other compensation. We will also make a side-by-side comparison to find out where their earnings rank among their industry peers.

If you’re wondering how much the industry’s top executives make and whether they’re deserving of the pay, you’ve come to the right place. Gain a deeper understanding of the numbers behind insurance CEO salary and compensation in this guide.

The table below from the consumer advocacy and education non-profit breaks down the total pay of the chief executives of these companies in the last two financial years. The group obtained the data from the Nebraska Department of Insurance. The department legally requires insurers to provide information about the salaries, bonuses, and other compensation of their top officials. 

Insurance Business rearranged the list from the highest to the lowest earning CEO in 2022.

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