Non-owner car insurance provides coverage if you regularly drive another person’s vehicle. Find out if this type of auto policy is for you

At first glance, non-owner car insurance seems like a pretty straightforward form of coverage. It protects you financially if you get into an accident while driving another person’s vehicle. But just like other types of auto insurance, there are several layers to the kind of protection this policy provides.

In this article, Insurance Business explains how non-owner car insurance works. We will discuss what this policy covers and what it doesn’t, and how much coverage costs.

If you’re wondering whether this type of car insurance is a worthwhile investment, this guide can help.

This type of policy provides protection for anyone who frequently drives another person’s vehicle or those whose personal circumstances require them to provide proof of coverage. If you regularly rent or borrow a relative’s or friend’s vehicle for personal driving, then a non-owner policy can be a suitable form of protection.

Many auto insurers offer non-owner car insurance as a standalone policy, although some offer coverage only for existing policyholders.

Non-owner vehicle insurance serves as a secondary type of protection. This means that if you get into an accident, the owner’s car insurance provides coverage fir

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