Efforts to curb Louisiana’s property insurance crisis made for some of the most-read Insurance Journal South Central stories of 2023. Readers also delved into Texas court rulings, a profile of Fort-Worth based Higginbotham and more.
Top 10 South Central Insurance Journal Stories of 2023
Louisiana lawmakers appropriated $30 million to the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program (LFHP), which enables eligible homeowners to apply for up to $10,000 in grants to fortify roofs to meet the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) Fortified roof standard. Lawmakers also passed accompanying legislation that will require insurance companies to provide actuarially justified discounts to policyholders who build or retrofit structures to comply with the IBHS Fortified standard. Another bill passed by lawmakers will require insurers to offer an endorsement to homeowners’ policies that will upgrade the policyholder’s nonfortified roof to the Fortified roof standard if the home incurs damage requiring a roof replacement. The Louisiana Department of Insura