Paul Lucas  00:00:15 

Hey, Rach. Yeah. So Ryan, I’m assuming you’ve had all the questions in advance of you.  

Ryan  00:00:20 


Paul Lucas  00:00:21 

Good stuff. Any any issues with them? Are you happy, comfortable?  

Ryan  00:00:24 

Yeah, we’re ready to go when you whenever you are, we’re good with the content and excited to share the story. 

Paul Lucas  00:00:30 

Okay, well, there’s no, there’s no tricks. And I guess probably the most important thing to know is that is, we very much stick to the script, not saying that this would apply to you necessarily, but some people would not be very comfortable if we started asking them follow up questions or things that they’ve not planned for, and so on. So we very much, you know, go through the order exactly as planned. So just answer each question as thoroughly as you can, because then I’ll be moving on to the next one. So with all that said, I just want to check that I’ve got your details correct. So you are Ryan Powers, SVP, Head of Instruction at QBE North America. Is that correct?  

Ryan  00:01:06 

That’s correct. Thank you.  

Paul Lucas  00:01:08 

All right. Excellent. Can you hear my wife coughing in the background? By the way?  

Ryan  00:01:12 

You’re safe.  

Paul Lucas  00:01:13 

All right, that’s good. I’m just checking go or wasn’t gonna have to hate just move to another room to another room with your coffee, please. But as long as we’re good. That’s, that’s excellent. And so yeah, so with all that said, I mean, unless there’s any questions that you’re and I think we’re ready to roll with you. All right.

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